Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day Six - Vegan (246 days til 30)

Sorry about the missed day yesterday everyone. I went to the Getty villa with my family. It was such a beautiful California day, and when you add beautiful architecture and great views you can lose yourself.

I spent a lot of camera memory on the statues of the statues of the Greek gods and goddesses. When I look at those statues you can see how the world view on beauty has changed. The statues were taking from an ancient Greek villa, and to think that they were crafted in marble by hand is just one of the most amazing things. But when you look at the bodies of these goddesses you can see that they were not skinny size 0. They were real women. They had Curves and big breast and where beautiful. It made me wonder how the view on beauty had changed so much. When did being big become a bad thing. Don't get my wrong obesity is a terrible thing. But to be a healthy 12 of 10 is not a bad thing. I thought about this last night, that maybe if I was a 6 or 8 I would look weird. I think that a 10 or 12 would be good on me.

Well here is my Vegan up date. Yesterday I found it pretty hard, being out at the Getty and look at the fabulous lunch menu, I almost wanted to be like forget vegan. And they didnt have thing huge vegan menu option. So that made to curving my hunger a bit difficult. Today was better. Being able to be home and cook for myself, makes a huge difference. I made this fake BBQ chicken thing and added it to a wrap and grilled some veggies that was nice.

As far as my work out update. I did a 20 min Yoga session yesterday a long with some weight lifting. Then you can add in a lot of walking at the Getty. Today may have been an excerise break day, but it was not a day of rest for me. I cleaned all day. All in all, everything is good.

Have a great Weekend All!

P.S. Some one told me today that I looked like I lost weight. Could it be? :)

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