Monday, January 4, 2010

Day One - Vegan (251 Days til 30)

Beep, Beep: 7:00 am the alarm goes off. I then spend the next 15 mins trying to think up excuses why today is not the day to start this weight loss. Finally, I kick off the covers to the semi-warm air and jump out of bed. I can do this! After about 45 mins of stretching and light weight lifting, I am feeling awake, and good. I feel all energized. Thinking about all the good this will bring. Then I think I want to go back to bed. Stop. Reset Mind to Weight loss plan... Okay Try that again. I am awake, energized, lets go.

So I start thinking lets see where I am jumping off from. How much do I weight? I am all confident as I walk up to the dreaded scale ready to slay the dragon in my head telling me I am 350 lbs. There can be no way really. I have never been that big, but nevertheless that is my fear. And I step on the scale. OH DEAR GOD! OKay I am not 350 lbs, but I'm not that far. I AM 279 lbs! Seriously. ME? What? I knew I felt fatter than I have ever felt but this is more than I expected. The Dragon Won! He managed to knock me over, I am his dinner. Its like those stupid video games. And just like that. I was a Super Mario Brother, and I am coming back on the next restart.

This is my moment, my momentum is going. I am ready next week I will coming back. Yeah I know that the dragon will still defeat me next week, but eventually I will lose more weight and get stronger and faster and I will give him a run for his money. Until the day when I win. I slay him! Because I will slay him and I will reach my goal. And Never again will he return! (Crowds go wild. LOL.)

Okay I have been known to get ahead of myself. But I do feel like today is my reset button. I don't like this. Not one bit, and I am over it now. Its my re-birthday. I Get to start over grow all over, but this time I am starting as something and shedding pounds as I go. Today is my Day One.

Alright Done with my rant. Okay so as you know I am Vegan today, along with my Sister and her Husband and Laurel for the next 21 Days. Its this whole jump start your metabolism thing. And I am excited to see what my food choices are. I love trying new foods. I did manage to get an lunch location for today, The Interim Cafe. Hopefully the food will taste good. Its so horrible when you go out to eat something, pay for it, then leave even more hungry then you were before. Positive thinking Xan. Positive Thinking. I can tell you that I am hungry now. Gotta go see what I my Sister is making me for breakfast ;)

I will give you a run down on my days meals and such and continue to bore you with my life later.Plus you get a bonus on how Laurel is doing too.

Alright People. I Got Dragons to slay! Woo Hoo!

If you want to check out the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart here is the link.

Happy Monday Everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Monday to you! Thank you for allowing me to read your thoughts and be a part of your journey. You are doing a great thing. My cousin Natalee is having some similar feelings as she is about to turn thirty this month--it's a big change.
    Congrats to you as you start this path. I love you!
